Wednesday, June 29, 2005


qu|kz: he said he is in love with you
qu|kz: and he didnt mind sharing
me: he will never say he's in love.
me: sigh which is sad but thats ok :)
qu|kz: man. he needs lessons in the romance department
me: please teach him
qu|kz: sure
me: serious?
qu|kz: i'll send the bill to you


Sid wanted a new layout fast so I did it for her in a jiffy. Still need lots of practice on design skills though. She requested privacy so entries in the preview image are therefore blurred.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


 w x s i e . y : Yes I am :) And you are?

 m e m o r i e s : Thanks for your concern and since you wish to remain anonymous, caring is creepy. Hope you get my message. ;)

By the way folks, I'm closing down the tagboard. I think its really redundant. Till then, comment <3!

the raddest girls alive

This entry is purely concentrated on the darlings of my life. The glam girls who care about my existance and make my life so worth living for.

ƒ d i a n a   c h r i s t i a n
The first person whom I look up to as my best friend. The only girl who enjoyed my company every Sunday despite our racial differences. We did so many things together that its almost impossible to record our memories in a book. From playing hopscotch in the church backyard to teaching at Sunday school to making convos in a room every cell group meeting, I can say that without her, I would have felt such a loner in my early days in church. Sad to say, I don't have a photograph of her in my hard drive.

ƒ r o z i

My emo kid whom I adore so much. She is the reason for such unmeasurable fun during secondary school days. No matter how boring Physics or Social Studies was, she helped reinvent my mood by indulging me in addictive convos. From 'Sial la! So many guys at the bus stop now! Aye! Spot which one cute ah!' to 'How's the sex?' to 'Feel like skating sial..', she always makes me laugh uncontrollably. Through all the relationships I had, she's always the first to hear about the good and the bad. Everything about us is unforgettable, especially the days we enjoyed dancing so much and skating was like a everyday thing.

ƒ m a g ƒ k i m y e e ƒ l e e fe i
[in order]

These 3 girls made my life in secondary school so pathetically interesting, I prolly would have quit school if it wasn't for them. Though we have huge differences (all 3 of them are straight A's students), they took me into their humble clique and gave me so much encouragement to academically put myself to the test. They always put me on a cynical mood whether its kid's talk or childish pranks like 'Wanna draw turtle and paste behind Godwin's chair?' but ironically they are the simple antidotes to my boring school life.

ƒ s i d n e y

My roommate who knows my inside-out. Who knows what color underwear I have, who knows if I sleep with my legs open or close. The best part is, she knows when I'm hungry and how to deal with it. Nights without her are the only times when I can R.I.P. Because with her around, somehow there's always uncertainty if Samara would just scare the hell out of me. But still, loneliness and silence seems non-existant if it wasn't for her and I love her for who she is.

ƒ c a s i e ƒ s t e p h
[in order]

Those hendrix days were the raddest because of these 2 girls. Casie the nurse digged guys so much, she would always start talking sex to me. And there was this one point of my life which if it wasn't for her, I prolly would have become a suicide victim. Steph the shorty(like me) was the one with the uncontrollable bladder, who never failed to frequent the toilet at least once in fifteen minutes. Her braces makes her so unbearably cute, there are guys who would die to see her smile. Those were the days when we would chill at Far East without fail before heading to Hendrix, play pool at B12, and of course dance till we drop in the club. My sex on the bitch.

ƒ l i a

My skate buddy back from those days and still is a very darling of mine. The first few skate sessions with her really cracked me up whereby the rain always seemed to be enjoying its duty. The days at Feng Shan are unforgettable. Besides those skate ventures, we always seemed to have something to do. From ghost-hunting with T.S.A to clubbing to sun-bathing at Tanjong Beach, my hoo-hoos is a must-have and always be in my life.

ƒ d e r n i s e

This girl and Lia are unseparable. I remember seeing her for the first time and got pretty shocked by the fact that we had so much similarities in terms of size and height. And what got me so motivated to remain a shorty was the fact that she is a year older and she's got so much confidence. She can be on the brink of insanity at times but that is what makes me adore her. I mean, who on earth will bring her notebook down to the poolside and play The Sims while working on her tan?

ƒ g i l e n e ƒ f a r e e z a
[in order]

My sweethearts in LaSalle. The sunshines of my life. Without them, I prolly would dread going to school. Gilene the glam queen, who makes guys wank till they tire out, made me love Malaysia so much, I had to frequent City Square with her and make plans to curb my spendings. Fareeza the Tara Banks of Singapore, along with Gil always got me indulge in 'where's that cute malay guy?' convos and skipping tutorials on a very regular basis. Its a miracle we managed to brush all obstacles and made it to sophomore year. These 2 girls, I heart the most.

Pardon my grammer. Had a swollen eye and my vision was kinda blur. But I'm all well now, whop!

Friday, June 24, 2005

hello surgeon

Its been awhile since I had The Postal Service running on my player. Was feeling bored so I messed around with artpad1 and somemore artpad2.

P/S: View on fast mode.

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Bonjour chéris! Went to TP for french yesterday. Had a preparation test and the whole stracture of the paper is bull-shit. Still, I haven't got all my numbers right yet. After the test, I accompanied Vic for his dinner at the coffee shop opposite school. Wasn't feeling that hungry so I waited for him to finish up before travelling down to Orchard Grand Court for dinner with my mom and sis.

Anyway, I feel so super blessed. Its like whenever I'm short of cash, God is always there to fill my piggy up, never short-changing me. Take yesterday for example, I had only 2 dollars with me but God provided me with a sumptuous meal at Orchard Grand Court for free. Not only that, God added an extra digit to my wallet when my mom handed me $20. See! God works wonders.

I've been working on a song, specially dedicated to Mr. G.O.D. I feel so super blessed. I mean, without his grace and mercy, I don't think I can ever get into Interactive, have no worries about cash flow, not thinking about how terrifying each day is going to get.. I don't even miss clubbing anymore which is effin' amazing! Everything has been so wonderful ever since I've fully accepted him back into my life which started a few weeks back. Now I'm looking forward to each brand new day, I'm like so super duper happy these days, I can hardly contain it. The best or worst thing, whichever way you put it, is I can hardly stop smiling! I think I'm going to have trouble keeping still while taking the public transport later, everyone's going to think I'm nuts. I don't care how others feel about me being so Jesus-filled but whatever it is, I'm going to be a living vessel for him. I just know I won't have regrets taking this path I've chosen but rewards.

Going to the east for my cell group meeting now. Can hardly wait..

In the meantime, notecheck for the upcoming week.

Monday - all Val's
Tuesday - all Jann's
Wednesday - ?
Thursday - cell group meeting
Friday - (bible study), (all Vic's) either one
Saturday - (1/2 day with Vic), youth service
Sunday - main service

I've an open slot specially for my buddies on Wednesday. Better start calling me. WINKS

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I'm back once again from visiting my dad. The week so far has been real good. Watched Batman Begins for the second time with my dear brothers last Monday. Played tennis this morning. Gonna have cell group meeting on Thursday, probably bible study on Friday, youth service on Saturday and main service on Sunday, not forgetting a date with Vic if possible. So yeap, I'm feeling good about my life and everything. Its been a long time since I've felt this way. I mean, everything seems so simple, so not complicated, so trouble-free. Oh ya! I've got my results last weekend and I passed! Not only passed but did well I must say. Whop! I'm like so super blessed.. Can hardly contain my happiness. Haha!

Alright, got to rush down to TP now for my french. Don't want to have Vic waiting for me patiently at the bridge again. And I really mean patient, he's so nice.. Its so embarressing. Laters <3!

Monday, June 20, 2005

miss missus

I'm so sad! It seems like I've not seen you for so long! And I'm mad at myself for not being able to see you. Then again, I'm left with no choice but to wait. Till then, I'll miss you big time...

Will post and maybe picture post on recent events like Father's Day soon. Right after I get back from my many days of stay at my pop's. And someone please brighten my life..

Saturday, June 18, 2005

random convenience

I remember the days that collided into paradise. What that happened a few years back. The nights that erupted in southern lights, stars and coastal police guarding the waters we frequent by. The big tree that once shadowed over our 15 year old frames as it enveloped all our conversations, still remains at its spot now taken by another destined couple.

More than 3 years have pass and though what surrounds us may change but you still make me so super duper crazy in happiness at times, it feels great.

And this story will continue as it is, with my fingers crossed as the way I want it to.

Entries are random for now because my mind is now in conjunction with many train thoughts.

T.L.C material

Do you think I'm worth being accredited as girlfriend material?

There were times I took hours dissecting conversations painstakingly before talking feelings out just not to storm things up unnessesarily.
I've learnt (and still am) to register myself into the not inconsiderate and not self-absorbed category.

However, times are different now. There simply isn't any conversation. Or rather, there were few.
It makes my heart think. What is the exact reason for staying on?

It didn't take too long for me to come up with the answer.
I just knew there is something that we can build on even though its been barely a hundred days. And hopefully everything will just fall into place for us. I don't know what about him. He barely brought across any strong message to me before. And its sad because I need assurance and I only get two word messages. 'I'm Sorry.' Maybe I shouldn't waste my time trying to dissect these two words and come up with positive charges. But it does make me think whether he's just trying to T.L.C me back into the relationship or he really mean it. If he really mean it, why can't he give me more than these two words along with T.L.C assurance?
Maybe in some way its acceptable because he once said he can be bad at expressing himself but his actions doesn't prove justice to be reassuring enough. I'm always just a phone call away but these days things seem to be so ineffective and my cellphone seems so morbid.

You said I've been a bad girlfriend. Maybe that's because I'm still in the process of registering myself into the not inconsiderate and not self-absorbed category. But hey! Please do not give up hope on me because I haven't given up hope on you, and on us. I still like you alot. And it'll take a mighty supernatural force to take me away from you. Whatever it is, I'm still a phone call away.

Monday, June 13, 2005


I've just finished watching Love Actually. It has been a long time since I've seen a movie so rich in character that I so wish it would never end.

I'll be visiting my dad over the next couple of days and after which, I'll promised to meet up with you guys. :) Of course, the priority people are rozi, sid and lia. ;)

Cidade de Deus will be next when I'm back on my bed. Its been 3 years since I've last watched it. Truth is, I have never seen a film that comes at you like a wave of hailstones that never loosens it's grip for a second.

On a random note,

One of the french lecturers in TP looks like Jimmy Fallon. I swear I ain't kidding! Will take a snapshot of him (provided I don't chicken-out) during the next lecture.

By the way, I'm digging this track here.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


"To be is to do"
- Socrates

"To do is to be"
- Sartre

"Do be do be do"
- Sinatra


I'm not afraid of saying, I have a spiritual hunger.

Thanks Capas for bringing me to the conference today. :)

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

black on roses

Whats up my brown relatives!

Well, nothing is going on at the moment. I've been disposed to idleness and have been effin' sick. I've been waking up these past few days at 3 or 5, sometimes 7PM which evidently sucks. I hate long sleeps. I don't like having like half of my free time (aka daytime) gone because of sleep. But yet, I've been suffering from insomnia in the night which results to taking long sleeps in the day and I hate it! I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

Mmmm.... bacon. Cheese. Ice Cold Beer pizza. Prata. Satay.

I need to eat. Because I haven't been eating much. Because I felt so sick. But I'm in the process of recovery. Because I just had my daily dosage of white macadamia chocolate. Mmmm!

I know my entries have been a tad too wordy so I've uploaded some polaroids in the gallery. :)

The Starting Line (aka GOD) has their new album out in the U.S for about a month now. But what's with Singapore?!


And sigh, sigh!
I want these!!!

Moving on, next roadtrip to JB with Gilene soon to happen.

This website is officially up and running, meaning, you can now view it in Firefox. :) I have also now given you all a choice between viewing the music player and not, with options provided at the bottom of this page. Till then, visionnement heureux!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

to the fair, to the fair!

The two of us went to the IT fair at expo today. The place looked pretty upsetting with just a number of IT booths. But it wasn't much of a deal to me because I ended up being able to take an extimation of an hour's video with my phone. My sweet boy sacrificed a huge portion of his monthly allowance to buy me a 512MB MMC card. Whop!
He bought a notebook travel case too so I didn't have any worries leaving the place without the two of us being satisfied. ;)

Anyway, we took the train down to the airport to have our dinner followed by taking a train and sitting through a bus ride to destination: home. It was quite a relief to step into the house once again as I was suffering from some pain in the stomach during the time at the IT fair. Oh oh guys guys! Download Russell Peter's comedy video here. He got the two of us laughing the whole evening.

Tomorrow, Victor's gon come over to do his homework (Good boy!) followed by pizza time at Ice Cold Beer. It sure is going to be a pretty good day. My thoughts in advance.

For those who tried accessing this website using Firefox, you are lucky and definitely smart to reaccess using IE. For some reason, Firefox is a complete airhead to not read certain scripts. So please continue using IE to view this site. :)
Oh.. oh.. and I need feedbacks on the music player. It works perfectly fine for me but I figured I've got to be double sure if it runs smoothly for you too. So sweethearts, please tell me. Merci tellement! :)

Thursday, June 02, 2005


I sat down in the waiting room,
gagging thick with cheap perfume
and all of the sudden i lost my point of view.
I felt like standing up and screaming above the roar of voices
speaking about their daily non-sensical senseless la-dee-da's.
I think I must be the only one who is so disgusted and miserable,
I'm sick of being a human being.
I wanna crawl on the ground like I'm a worm,
or be an infectious germ, I'm sick of being a human being.
Turn me into something new and let me live inside the zoo.
Feed me balanced meals by the clock, tick tock tick tock.
I'll fling my shit at freckled faces
and screech and bounce around in spaces
specifically designed to imitate my natural habitat.
h I'm Sick by The Vindictives

I don't know how you think of this song but I find The Vindictives rather amusing. No wait, I should rephrase that; they are weird. Anyway, I'm like having a fever. I think. Or maybe its just bad migraines. I can't tell but my head so seems to weigh a 1,000 tons now and I'm not quite enjoying my holidays anymore. Maybe I've been in bed for too long and its just my brain sending its 'I'm Sick' alarm signal to uhhh, itself, or I'm really sick. Hell all i know is that my head and body feel malaise now.


I know you people expect more from me and admit I'm not totally satisfied with my works but its 9:52 in the morning. Ok, bed.

Please link or re-link me (again) sweethearts and I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. It was bloody inconvenient for me too but my old blog was really awful and the interface was so not user-friendly. Updates later. bonne nuit, au revoir!


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin pede et lectus. Pellentesque posuere consectetuer turpis. Donec nonummy vulputate metus. Aliquam tempus pede vitae odio. Nam ut wisi. Etiam in lacus. Nam aliquam sagittis leo. Curabitur sagittis ultrices augue. Curabitur ac eros. Aliquam hendrerit pede at urna. Praesent eget ipsum. Curabitur nunc. Suspendisse potenti. Vestibulum ultrices, metus id tempus consequat, nisl nunc sollicitudin nisl, at aliquet quam wisi quis nulla.
Donec et nibh ut nisl sollicitudin vestibulum. Aliquam nec elit. Quisque iaculis ullamcorper felis. Proin sed massa sit amet justo ultrices malesuada. Pellentesque pharetra porta enim. Fusce ac ligula ac turpis dapibus laoreet. Integer vel metus eget urna faucibus iaculis. Morbi viverra venenatis enim. Duis ac dolor in mauris molestie consectetuer. Suspendisse porttitor. Cras mauris sapien, volutpat ut, ornare sed, adipiscing a, ante. Proin eleifend elit non purus. Sed at mauris.
Aenean dui nunc, luctus ut, tristique id, congue et, purus. Maecenas fringilla mattis ipsum. Curabitur porta, turpis sed cursus malesuada, mi odio hendrerit orci, vel mattis lacus metus nec diam. Nulla id justo. Nulla facilisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Etiam lacinia dictum dolor. Duis consectetuer felis non nibh. Aliquam nonummy risus id erat. Nulla fringilla leo vulputate nibh. Ut dignissim sem non nunc. Vestibulum mollis, nisl sed placerat faucibus, velit libero tincidunt est, eget venenatis ante magna sit amet massa. Pellentesque placerat. Ut tincidunt lacinia ligula.
Nulla facilisi. Nulla massa sapien, feugiat quis, cursus at, ultrices convallis, elit. Vivamus iaculis, velit a suscipit iaculis, ligula orci semper neque, non commodo mauris metus id enim. Nullam eu erat. Integer elementum lorem id ipsum. Proin vel dui vel eros commodo auctor. Sed non diam. Etiam vitae mi. Nulla pretium tortor non lectus. Morbi velit arcu, congue sit amet, nonummy id, posuere a, lectus. Sed porttitor sem non magna. Nam cursus wisi id nisl. Donec non urna. Aenean sagittis augue nec lorem. Vivamus hendrerit tincidunt tellus. Pellentesque enim arcu, dictum sit amet, viverra quis, viverra accumsan, lectus. Aenean rhoncus.