This entry is purely concentrated on the darlings of my life. The glam girls who care about my existance and make my life so worth living for.
d i a n a c h r i s t i a nThe first person whom I look up to as my best friend. The only girl who enjoyed my company every Sunday despite our racial differences. We did so many things together that its almost impossible to record our memories in a book. From playing hopscotch in the church backyard to teaching at Sunday school to making convos in a room every cell group meeting, I can say that without her, I would have felt such a loner in my early days in church. Sad to say, I don't have a photograph of her in my hard drive.
r o z i
My emo kid whom I adore so much. She is the reason for such unmeasurable fun during secondary school days. No matter how boring Physics or Social Studies was, she helped reinvent my mood by indulging me in addictive convos. From '
Sial la! So many guys at the bus stop now! Aye! Spot which one cute ah!' to '
How's the sex?' to '
Feel like skating sial..', she always makes me laugh uncontrollably. Through all the relationships I had, she's always the first to hear about the good and the bad. Everything about us is unforgettable, especially the days we enjoyed dancing so much and skating was like a everyday thing.
m a g k i m y e e l e e fe i[in order]

These 3 girls made my life in secondary school so pathetically interesting, I prolly would have quit school if it wasn't for them. Though we have huge differences (all 3 of them are straight A's students), they took me into their humble clique and gave me so much encouragement to academically put myself to the test. They always put me on a cynical mood whether its kid's talk or childish pranks like '
Wanna draw turtle and paste behind Godwin's chair?' but ironically they are the simple antidotes to my boring school life.
s i d n e y
My roommate who knows my inside-out. Who knows what color underwear I have, who knows if I sleep with my legs open or close. The best part is, she knows when I'm hungry and how to deal with it. Nights without her are the only times when I can R.I.P. Because with her around, somehow there's always uncertainty if Samara would just scare the hell out of me. But still, loneliness and silence seems non-existant if it wasn't for her and I love her for who she is.
c a s i e s t e p h[in order]

Those hendrix days were the raddest because of these 2 girls. Casie the nurse digged guys so much, she would always start talking sex to me. And there was this one point of my life which if it wasn't for her, I prolly would have become a suicide victim. Steph the shorty(like me) was the one with the uncontrollable bladder, who never failed to frequent the toilet at least once in fifteen minutes. Her braces makes her so unbearably cute, there are guys who would die to see her smile. Those were the days when we would chill at Far East without fail before heading to Hendrix, play pool at B12, and of course dance till we drop in the club. My sex on the bitch.
l i a
My skate buddy back from those days and still is a very darling of mine. The first few skate sessions with her really cracked me up whereby the rain always seemed to be enjoying its duty. The days at Feng Shan are unforgettable. Besides those skate ventures, we always seemed to have something to do. From ghost-hunting with T.S.A to clubbing to sun-bathing at Tanjong Beach, my hoo-hoos is a must-have and always be in my life.
d e r n i s e
This girl and Lia are unseparable. I remember seeing her for the first time and got pretty shocked by the fact that we had so much similarities in terms of size and height. And what got me so motivated to remain a shorty was the fact that she is a year older and she's got so much confidence. She can be on the brink of insanity at times but that is what makes me adore her. I mean, who on earth will bring her notebook down to the poolside and play The Sims while working on her tan?
g i l e n e f a r e e z a[in order]

My sweethearts in LaSalle. The sunshines of my life. Without them, I prolly would dread going to school. Gilene the glam queen, who makes guys wank till they tire out, made me love Malaysia so much, I had to frequent City Square with her and make plans to curb my spendings. Fareeza the Tara Banks of Singapore, along with Gil always got me indulge in '
where's that cute malay guy?' convos and skipping tutorials on a very regular basis. Its a miracle we managed to brush all obstacles and made it to sophomore year. These 2 girls, I heart the most.
Pardon my grammer. Had a swollen eye and my vision was kinda blur. But I'm all well now, whop!