Thursday, June 23, 2005


Bonjour chéris! Went to TP for french yesterday. Had a preparation test and the whole stracture of the paper is bull-shit. Still, I haven't got all my numbers right yet. After the test, I accompanied Vic for his dinner at the coffee shop opposite school. Wasn't feeling that hungry so I waited for him to finish up before travelling down to Orchard Grand Court for dinner with my mom and sis.

Anyway, I feel so super blessed. Its like whenever I'm short of cash, God is always there to fill my piggy up, never short-changing me. Take yesterday for example, I had only 2 dollars with me but God provided me with a sumptuous meal at Orchard Grand Court for free. Not only that, God added an extra digit to my wallet when my mom handed me $20. See! God works wonders.

I've been working on a song, specially dedicated to Mr. G.O.D. I feel so super blessed. I mean, without his grace and mercy, I don't think I can ever get into Interactive, have no worries about cash flow, not thinking about how terrifying each day is going to get.. I don't even miss clubbing anymore which is effin' amazing! Everything has been so wonderful ever since I've fully accepted him back into my life which started a few weeks back. Now I'm looking forward to each brand new day, I'm like so super duper happy these days, I can hardly contain it. The best or worst thing, whichever way you put it, is I can hardly stop smiling! I think I'm going to have trouble keeping still while taking the public transport later, everyone's going to think I'm nuts. I don't care how others feel about me being so Jesus-filled but whatever it is, I'm going to be a living vessel for him. I just know I won't have regrets taking this path I've chosen but rewards.

Going to the east for my cell group meeting now. Can hardly wait..

In the meantime, notecheck for the upcoming week.

Monday - all Val's
Tuesday - all Jann's
Wednesday - ?
Thursday - cell group meeting
Friday - (bible study), (all Vic's) either one
Saturday - (1/2 day with Vic), youth service
Sunday - main service

I've an open slot specially for my buddies on Wednesday. Better start calling me. WINKS


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