tut/moan. squeal/squelch.
Good news everyone! 
I've been listening to Positive Tension all day. I know its old but it's somewhat a recollection of Anttt in her boxers jumping on the bed and Kris drawing herself a moustache with her eyeliner. I MISS YOU ANTTT EFFIN' BAND KRIS WHOA!
So Peiwen, Shinova and I went over to Tita Nora's house on Tuesday. The home is so lovely! Everywhere is so woody. It's exactly what you would see in a Javanese house. I would have given it a 10 dash 10 but one thing, all four corners of every ceiling had floral prints! Its so NO NO! I'm sure am glad I'm not her daughter. Still, she's nice and the woody stuffs around her den are effin' nice. But the flowers are so no no.
Anyway, this is a very big reminder that I should start cleaning up my room again.. after my trip.. And then.. I think I'm going to take pictures so you kids can see my eclectic assortment of junk.
Oh! And according to Tita Nora, Peiwen is the new Barbie.
Woman! You're so the new pink lak!
After Tita Nora's, we went over to Jonas'. There's this note in his kitchen that says 'M is for Mother, not Maid.' Mm, so true. Kids, learn to love your mothers.
Four We's watched In the Blue at Cine. It was not too bad, unexpected storyline so it was nice.
So once we were out of the blue, Shinova and I left the cute couple and went to Old Airport road for supper. Very she-yoke. I happily rate Tuesday great!
My mom was talking to his mom on the phone today and she said something which almost made me drop off the chair.
"Xi wang ta men ke ye yi qi chang chang jiu jiu.."
I hope they can be together forever..
His mom, "Dui lo dui lo!"
I second that!
%#$^! Since when was my mom that mushy?!

I've been listening to Positive Tension all day. I know its old but it's somewhat a recollection of Anttt in her boxers jumping on the bed and Kris drawing herself a moustache with her eyeliner. I MISS YOU ANTTT EFFIN' BAND KRIS WHOA!
So Peiwen, Shinova and I went over to Tita Nora's house on Tuesday. The home is so lovely! Everywhere is so woody. It's exactly what you would see in a Javanese house. I would have given it a 10 dash 10 but one thing, all four corners of every ceiling had floral prints! Its so NO NO! I'm sure am glad I'm not her daughter. Still, she's nice and the woody stuffs around her den are effin' nice. But the flowers are so no no.
Anyway, this is a very big reminder that I should start cleaning up my room again.. after my trip.. And then.. I think I'm going to take pictures so you kids can see my eclectic assortment of junk.
Oh! And according to Tita Nora, Peiwen is the new Barbie.

Woman! You're so the new pink lak!
After Tita Nora's, we went over to Jonas'. There's this note in his kitchen that says 'M is for Mother, not Maid.' Mm, so true. Kids, learn to love your mothers.
Four We's watched In the Blue at Cine. It was not too bad, unexpected storyline so it was nice.
So once we were out of the blue, Shinova and I left the cute couple and went to Old Airport road for supper. Very she-yoke. I happily rate Tuesday great!

My mom was talking to his mom on the phone today and she said something which almost made me drop off the chair.
"Xi wang ta men ke ye yi qi chang chang jiu jiu.."
I hope they can be together forever..
His mom, "Dui lo dui lo!"
I second that!

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