Santa Fe with the Utanes couple was ooh-la-la. Not to mention, wallet-free! (;
Guilty spending resumes in 8 hours with Wxsie as my shoop shoop accomplice.
The intended killings for the day:
- Pair of Havaianas
- Anything else to finish off my gift certs
( Knowing I have little to spend, I will slowly sober up to my fate. )

// Casper and Mr. Shinova
Teehee! Nine months and counting. You are sooo cute and I sooo love you.
Pineapple rice at V8 movie cafe tonight with the cutie. *SLURPS
Santa Fe with the Utanes couple was ooh-la-la. Not to mention, wallet-free! (;
Guilty spending resumes in 8 hours with Wxsie as my shoop shoop accomplice.
The intended killings for the day:
- Pair of Havaianas
- Anything else to finish off my gift certs

// Casper and Mr. Shinova
Teehee! Nine months and counting. You are sooo cute and I sooo love you.
Pineapple rice at V8 movie cafe tonight with the cutie. *SLURPS
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