The Brisbane trip was effin' fun and I so miss there now. I could blabber on and on with a 1,000 words or just post up a 1,000 pictures but I reckon as humans, we prefer visual entertainment. So below are the long awaited visual overkill. Okay sunshines, I've cut down my favorites to less than 50. I'm sure you wouldn't want to spend 10 hours on my blog viewing a 1,000. So now get ready, grab a pizza and lay your ass down.
*** airport/airways ***

*** paradise ***
five days of juicy luxury.

1) the view from our apartment.
2) my favorite.
6) he's not just cute, he's my boy.
7) our chauffeur for 5 days.

click to enlarge.

*** animal instinct ***
the king of the bay.
*** movie world ***
Almost 90 degrees to the ground plunge! What a ride. However, its still in the building process.

And thats a pair of 4D glasses I'm wearing for the Shrek's 4D show. ;) Victor as Donkey.
*** shoop shoop ***
1) betty boop cushion, rad slips, awesome tee from ice, 2 pre-printed tees from voodoo girl, roxy shell necklace, several natural gems shell necklaces.
2) dc pencil case, icon belt, 5 pairs of bond socks, 2 pillow case sets, target go green bag, naturally blonde boardshorts, jays mini, jays black pants, forever 18 preppy polo.
3) 2 dreamcatchers, roxy deluxe spot bag.
4) giant tennis ball from toys'a'rus, cute babydoll dress from supre, preppy blouse from mooloola, pacific cliff beaded bracelets and necklaces, cross-word puzzle book, roxy pencil case.
As mentioned, I've like a 1,000 more. Not sure, if I should put up more. Please let me know if you've had enough or you're game for more.