I know this site has turned morbid and the stats on my counter have dropped drastically ever since I've stopped blogging. No I'm not having writer's block and no I'm not that busy. I just lost the interest of blogging. Reason could be because I kind of hate the look of my site. I prolly might change my URL along with the layout speaking of which, I have just made an account at
Negimaki.com. You have to go through an interview in order to get an account. They have been nice so I should try to get my interest in blogging back and start working on that site. I just did a
website for my critique class. The contents are still quite raw, I have to update soon.
As for my incident with that psychopath, I am okay and well. Thanks everyone for your concern and well wishes. Thanks Amy :) I was really surprised to see your comment. Lynn cuzzie, thanks for the lovely bear. You are very sweet. Same goes for Amanda and Daphne. I am really touched. Zee, I'll see you at Samuel's party.
I have so many things to share but I have to do them in point form. I have to complete my thesis review by tonight. :/
- I saw that psychopath a week back on board Bus 14 but that's okay. I had my classmates to act as my bodyguards.
- Victor has got himself into World Skills Singapore for the 2nd time under the web design category. The last time was graphic design. All the best, love.
- My room is going to have a new fresh coat of paint very soon.
- Mr. Blackfish died three weeks ago.
- The Island is the sex.
- I watched Charlie and The Chocolate Factory today with my church friends and Victor. I give it 3/10. Three points for cute little Charlie.
- Have been gaming rather frequently at egames with my classmates these past few weeks. Swat 4 and Dota. I'm still a noob at Dota though.
- I have learned to forgive and to love the lost and the ones who hate.
- Peiwen, now I know why tita Joy likes you a lot :)
- My fishbowl started leaking a few days ago when my domestic helper accidentally knocked it onto the side of my table which a small crack was unfortunately formed.
- My uncle bought me a really ugly fish tank. The one commonly used to keep hamsters. But I'm okay with it since he awarded me with four more fishes.
- Victor also bought me a yellow fish. We named it Coldplay. We have to find it a partner soon.
- I enjoyed FOP.
- I am working on another song.
- I need a new notebook.
- I miss Bangkok.
- I miss Israel.
- I miss France.
- I miss everything not local.
- I wish I am just as important to Victor as XDA is to him.
- Unlike others, I don't miss secondary school days. I just miss cranky Magdalene, Kimyee, Leefei, Rozi the sex, Samuel, Kenneth our dilemma singer and that's about it.
- I have an idiot who keeps calling me at ungodly hours using a private line. After ignoring his calls like forever, I can't believe he still do not get my message :/
- I love D&B to the max, really. Ironically, Din keeps playing it 24/7 during tutorials, I think I will take a long vacation from that genre.
- Next up, Cool Runnings on .avi (as promised, Vic.) and Bewitched.
Okay, I'm having writer's block now. :/
Thanks Victor for all the time you have sacrificed for me and the effort you have put for our relationship during these past few months. The last hundred and twenty-four days have been wonderful. Will keep counting the days :)
And, happy belated national day.